Friday, February 24, 2017


There it is, in front of me
The most dangerous sight to see
Just one look and I freeze
Brought down to my knees
Like a breath in cold air
It’s a temptation, it’s right there
Like glistening mist in the white
Dancing in golden sunlight
I try to grab onto it
Hold it in my palm if it will fit
To stay until the latest hour
But I don’t have that kind of power
So it’s slipping through my fingers
But the feeling lingers

Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Cold And Fatal Takedown

There’s something in the snow
That keeps me warm
Somewhere in the cold
Something beneath my coat
Reminded of it every time
I pass that place
How I’ve been taken down
Tackled onto the ground
An elbow towards the hard ice
An endless sky
Then laughter as the flakes
Fall down and touch my face
Perhaps I had a bruise or two
A proper souvenir
And so I giggle every time
I think of that foe of mine