Just a piece of rotting flesh
Hanging to dry while life flashes by
As long as you’re secure, they say
Hanging to dry while life flashes by
As long as you’re secure, they say
It’s for the sake of my future
Because I’m all that matters
They say, and smile, with teeth so white
Because I’m all that matters
They say, and smile, with teeth so white
A product in the corner, waiting to be polished
Not that it’s about the shine
It’s what’s inside that really matters
They say, and pose next to an empty vase
Not that it’s about the shine
It’s what’s inside that really matters
They say, and pose next to an empty vase
Stay within the lines, it’s dangerous outside
They say, and lock me in, just in case
You should follow your own dreams
What do you want to be?
A lawyer, a pop-star, a manager?
They say, and lock me in, just in case
You should follow your own dreams
What do you want to be?
A lawyer, a pop-star, a manager?
Not that it’s about the money
Just for the sake of your future
It’s not about fame, they say, and mention their name
Just for the sake of your future
It’s not about fame, they say, and mention their name