Saturday, December 15, 2012

Broken Brain

It’s the black spots around me
In the corners
They fly past and beside me
And I flinch every time

The light subsides
My peace of mind collides

There’s a tall silhouette
Looking down
I break out in cold sweat
Ignore the dark

I close my eyes
But still the music dies

In the middle of the night
I catch my breath
Could be a flashing light
I’m losing sleep

This isn’t sane
Eyes of a broken brain

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


She opens up her bedroom window to find a blue summer sky
Not yet colored by the dark despite its late hours
The cool night air fills her lungs
And she cries
She knows this is as free as she’ll ever be

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Vår andra tredje våning
Den som inte finns
Bara i mina drömmar
Som jag sedan länge minns
Ett gigantiskt rum i mörkret
Inga ljud och inget ljus
Där bemöts man av en kyla
Som stör värmen i vårt hus
Det rummet känns oändligt
Kalla kårar längs min rygg
Ingen går därinne
Ingen känner sig trygg
I mörkret ser man ansikten
Dockor vars ögon stirrar
De verkar alldeles för vakna
Och min mage pirrar
Därinne finns kartonger
Några stora, några små
De har aldrig öppnats
Det vågar sig ingen på
Det rum som alla går förbi
Men låtsas att inte se
Men det finns bara i mina drömmar
Det där rummet på våning tre

Friday, October 26, 2012


A new, dark creation
A spark inside my head
The border of another nation
Where I’d like to be instead
You live by the rules
But the spark becomes a flame
You follow the fools
Yet you still are a shame
A seed has been planted
The thoughts just keep growing
You know you took it for granted
Cause this is mind-blowing
So will you take it all in
Or will it be a struggle?
Where to begin
With all these thoughts you ought to juggle?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


He saved our lives now
He died as a hero
Take a sigh of relief now
We’re alive, so don’t feel low
He did it for love
Brought the children back home
He’s soaring above
He died alone
In this mad world 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Burning Earth

Sometimes I want to ask you
Do you ever look up at the sky?
Just open your eyes, and look, and see
It’s red and glowing, you might ask why
It’s our fault,
We’ve set the earth on fire!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Månen och dess kalla ljus
Lockar mig ut ur mitt hus
I mörka timmar som snabbt dör ut
Natten lider mot sitt slut
Och om du undrar vart jag är
Så är jag inte längre här
Jag försvann för längesen
Bort från dig, min vän

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I had that dream again last night
In my dream you choked the light
It was not a dream I could enjoy
But would dream again, oh boy

Just like you did once
My mind’s playing a game
The feeling is shattering my bones
And my heart feels the same

Imagine the fear of sleeping
I’m ruining my peace
Wondering, wandering and weeping
Just waiting for a release

Imagine the fear of closing your eyes
When you desire nightmares more than dreams
It’s all just a world of betray and lies
Dreams don’t tell the truth no matter how true it seems

Sunday, July 22, 2012


So you swallowed up the world
Now you're hungry for the stars
Burnt your hand when you reached out
To touch the sun
Touch the sun...
- Opus Däi

Friday, July 20, 2012

Mean Something

So this friendship is dying
Or are you just busy with being busy?
Don’t you worry, I’m not crying
But this silence is a misery
You’ve heard words I’ve never said before
So this split worries me
You always told you want to hear some more
Cause you’re the only one who could see
You showed your secret unknown to man
You don’t always have to be happy
I’ll try as much as I can
Cause after all, you mean something to me

Friday, July 13, 2012

About You

Oh if you only knew how I’ve written about you
The letters that form your name
I’m so into it

To think one would have so much to say
When it comes to the unknown
It’s just bullshit

It all comes down to one thing, reality
Presence, you see, words
A necessity, for me

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bright Knight

Haunted in my dreams
Sometimes I wonder what it means
Warnings of a life within
Borders that are far too thin
Thoughts cheat, emotions play
They are always leading me stray
Long forgotten memories return
Try to tell myself it’s not a concern
A shadow lurking outside my door
Sneaking around on the second floor
They are nothing more than liars
Reminding me of hopes and desires
So when I close my eyes I hope for the best
To think about the morning and forget about the rest